Leading With Courage
The Global Shapers Edmonton Hub has been fortunate to partner with the Courage in Action (CiA) charity over the past 12-months. CiA is a registered charity that through programming, mentorship, and community building helps women coming from difficult circumstances move forward in their lives. Through this partnership, the Global Shapers Edmonton Hub developed the “Lead with Courage” - a leadership series for CiA members. Global Shapers Edmonton Hub members delivered the series for its pilot run every Wednesday in April 2022.
“Lead with Courage” focused on helping participants set goals to develop their leadership skills by focusing on the areas of self-awareness, communication, and interpersonal skills, and tying these concepts together. Throughout the course, at least 14 of the 20 registered participants attended across all modules, illustrating a high engagement and meaningful participation. A post-course survey highlighted an average feedback score of 4.6 out of 5 and pointed towards respondents open to recommending the course to a friend. From this partnership, Global Shapers Edmonton Hub members were able to see firsthand the gap that an organization like CiA fills in helping women overcome adversity not only because of the programming they offer but how they bring women together in community with one another.
After integrating the feedback provided by participants during the pilot, the Global Shapers Edmonton Hub will transition the “Lead with Courage” series to CiA for future cycles of programming. “Lead with Courage” is just one of the multiple programs offered by CiA which includes programs on topics like financial literacy, building resilience, facilitating mentor circles, and more. CiA currently has routes in Western Canada with virtual programming available to members across the country. An individual can register for a free CIA membership through their website. In the next phase of this project, the Global Shapers Edmonton hub will focus its efforts on connecting CiA with organizations in the Edmonton region that are active in supporting women with the long-term goal of assessing the interest in building a CIA base in Alberta.
If you know of an organization that would benefit from connecting their community to CiA, reach out to Global Shapers Edmonton - globalshapersyeg@gmail.com. We are always looking to connect CiA and organizations in the Edmonton area!
Emily Fleming