Unmuted: In-Person Networking for YEG Young Professionals

The Unmuted networking event series brings together young professionals in Edmonton from all disciplines and industries.

"I think you're still on mute!" are words we've each heard as we tried to recapture the moments before we fumbled with the unmute button. Staring at the glow of pixelated colleagues and friends was the reality over the last two years and it’s time for us to interact in the moment again, unmuted. Global Shapers YEG is thrilled to host a networking evening IN-PERSON.

The power of face-to-face time (and not just FaceTime) has proven its worth as we begin to discover interacting with each other again. With this inaugural event, we want to bring together young professionals in Edmonton from all disciplines to come and do what we’ve been yearning to do...meaningfully connect, in-person.


Financial Literacy


Youth to the Booth